The Hope of the Gospel

The Hope of the Gospel

Since its inception, the Gospel has been at the core of Mercy's Gate. Drawing inspiration from the examples outlined in scripture of Christ's compassion towards people and His mandate for His disciples to attend to the needs of the disadvantaged and distressed, everything we do is founded on this truth.

From humble beginnings as a cluster of churches to the multi-church-supported ministry that we are today, our unwavering dedication to the life of Jesus Christ and the call to serve the most vulnerable among us remains our bedrock.

We pledge to remain steadfastly centered on Christ in every aspect of our ministry. This promise distinguishes Mercy's Gate from other humanitarian service providers. We consistently offer our neighbors the hope of the Gospel.

Galatians 6:2 teaches us, "Share each other's burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ."

It should be noted that Mercy’s Gate does not make it mandatory to share the Gospel in order to receive assistance from us. We always offer the opportunity to do so, and this gesture is often gratefully received.